As a dazzling, shining and enticing place through its modern presentations of traditional tastes and its elegant decoration; the Akvaryum Kasibeyaz has got a capacity of 550 persons. It is quite an unordinary place where you could eat your meals in the terrace presenting a magnificent appearance of the Marmara Sea and, where you could feel yourself in the depth of sea by watching fishes beautiful one from another, living in the giant aquarium taking place in the main hall. This place presents the privilege of eating a meal together with sharks and thornbacks. Besides, it has got a VIP hall with a capacity of 40 persons, together with two different outdoor terraces not permitted to smoke, as ready for service to special days in Florya.
Our branch gives service on the basis of 7 day per week and between 09:00-24:00 and Mixed Breakfast service is given also in Saturday. As for open buffet breakfast, it is given on Sundays.
Play elder sisters present entertainment opportunities to your children at every day of week and as for Saturday and Sunday, your children are cheered up by Punchinello (buffoon).